Let go and let God.


‘Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.’
Ephesians 3:20 (NLT)

My friend, the message to you today is: Don’t employ force to be righteous by yourself, rather, allow God to carry you by the power of his spirit at work in you.

You might be so enthusiastic about your christian faith and walk with Christ that you might begin to rely more on yourself than on God for guidance. You might put up standards so high that you push yourself to the extreme to attain them and if you don’t reach them, you might feel bad and hence comes the temptation to fall into the pits of self-pity and self-condemnation. Never rely on your strength to attain righteousness in Christ! Only him can help you attain and maintain his lofty standards. Let go of the wheel of control in your hands and hand it over to God. Open your heart to the infinite power of the Holy Spirit at work in you as the redeemed.

If you could attain righteousness by yourself, you wouldn’t have needed salvation. But you can’t, that’s why God brought the permanent solution in Christ Jesus, that whosoever believeth in him will not perish but have everlasting life. That faith must be sustained in Jesus to maintain the status of righteousness before God and the Holy Spirit is that agent of maintenance dwelling in you. Let him work. Don’t stifle him by trying to stay in the driver’s seat. He won’t use force on you, as he is a gentle person. He needs you to surrender to him. He works with you as you submit. Don’t let your image get so big in your mind that you might strive to maintain the lofty standards that people have known you for by your efforts of righteous living rather than the help of the Holy Spirit. You should ask him for help every step of the way. See him as your source of spiritual oxygen. See him as your compass. Admit that you are lost without him. Rely solely on him. Tell him to help you be more like Christ in all your ways. According to Ephesians 3:20 quoted above, he is able to accomplish anything, far beyond what you could ever imagine. That lofty height of holiness that you might be envisioning is possible with the help of the Holy Spirit. Let go of the reins of trying to be holy by your own efforts and let God take over. Letting God take over does not mean that you should let in complacency,no! Rather, it means that you should do more studying, more praying and ultimately more reliance on God for guidance through the Holy Spirit as you journey home.

Since it took faith to initiate your walk with God, it will definitely take faith to continue it. Keep living in faith as you surrender to the Holy Spirit’s leading.

Let go and let God.

Stay blessed.


(Photo credit: http://www.robswihart.com/letting-go-and-letting-god/)

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